How Pyrolisis of Waste Tyres Process Can Solve Waste Management Problems and Make You Money

Human societies are just recently beginning to adapt ourselves to our natural environments and one of the most important lessons we are learning is how to deal with the massive amount of waste produced by our modern societies.

In our article today we will read all about one of the more economically exciting solutions to one of the greatest waste management and environmental issues we face today: waste tyres (planta de reciclaje de neumáticos).

The Problem with Tyres

Tyres are in high demand today as there is not an industry in existence that doesn’t require the transportation of goods, personnel or services across the world’s intricate networks of streets and highways. This massive amount of waste tyres has created a growing problem for the world’s waste management agencies and landfills.

Tyres are not disposable in the true sense of the word and discarded tyres can poison the ground and adversely affect water supplies(Beston Group China). Things have gotten to the point that a good many landfills and waste management companies will no longer accepts tyres.

But, there is an important detail that can’t be forgotten. Sequestered inside these dark rubbery loops is an important variety of useful compounds and a small variety of valuable materials that can be salvaged and repurposed for a variety of industrial needs. While this project only applies the most primitive technology, the apparatus required to perform this small miracle are technologically advanced indeed.

The Advantages of a Pyrolysis Plant

There are over 300 million tyres being discarded each day across the globe and the big problem is that only a small portion of these tyres are being properly disposed of. All that is needed is an intelligent solution that will collect these tyres and put them to a more productive project. Through the process of pyrolysis (equipo de pirolisis), this valuable source material can be transformed and refined into something useful and valuable.

Pyrolysis is an age-old method of transforming materials through a controlled fire that burns with very little oxygen. The result is a chemical transformation that can turn ordinary biomass or other waste materials into useful carbon and charcoal products. In the case of tyres, a pyrolysis machine can produce some very valuable products.

Products of the Pyrolysis Process in the Tyre Pyrolysis Machine

Within the pyrolysis machine is a chamber in which the tyres will be burned at high temperatures in an environment with little oxygen and strict control over emissions released into the atmosphere. The compounds within the tyres will be transformed by the high temperatures into different products.

The polymers in the rubber( itself will be evaporated and can be collected or repurposed to fuel the pyrolysis machine itself, which adds to the energy efficiency of the contraption. The collected vapors can also be condensed in a condensation chamber into a valuable alternative energy source called “syngas”

Then, the process will also burn away the softer fibers leaving only the steel reinforcement that can also be repurposed in the steel industry. The final by products is called carbon black, which are the ashes your tyres will be reduced to. This “carbon black”has applications in a variety of industries as well.

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