The Best Egg Tray Machine Suppliers – Beston Group

Eggs are one of the most inexpensive protein sources in the world. It is consumed in almost every country. Egg producers enjoy a healthy market. However, eggs are fragile, and transporting them without breakage can be a challenge. The problem can be solved by packing the eggs in specialized egg trays. These trays are made by special machines designed for the job. High quality machines can be obtained from a reputable manufacturer. Among egg tray machine suppliers(máquina para fabricar cubetas de huevos), Beston is the global leader in the industry.

If you need reliable equipment to make egg trays, Beston is the best supplier for the equipment. They support clients all over the world. They have developed a solid reputation of delivering great customer service. Furthermore, they provide excellent support from the first time you contact them for information to the delivery and set up of your equipment.

BTF 6-8 Máquina de fabricar bandejas de huevos en Beston

BTF 6-8 Máquina de Fabricar Bandejas de Huevos en Beston

Their egg tray machines are solidly constructed. They require minimal work from workers because the tray-making functions are preset. All the worker has to do is to provide recycled paper material and a measured amount of water into the proper place in the equipment. The machine blends the paper and water together and create paper pulp. The paper pulp is poured into the egg tray molds. Afterwards, the trays are transferred to an area where they go through the drying process. After the trays are dried, they can be packed and shipped.

The egg tray machines from Beston( can make egg trays and egg cartons of different capacities based on the mold used. You can make a carton for as few as a half dozen eggs to larger egg trays that can fit several dozen eggs. Each egg cup cradles an egg carefully so all sides of the egg are protected. Clients enjoy getting their shipment of eggs in perfect condition without breakage.

Clients appreciate their shipment of eggs packed in sturdy egg trays and cartons because they need to leave the eggs in the trays when they sell them or when they store them. Restaurants and bakeries store their trays of eggs in their large refrigerator. The trays can be stacked carefully without damaging the eggs. In the markets, eggs are stored in smaller cartons for consumers to buy them.

Because egg trays are made from recycled waste paper, the manufacturing process is environmentally friendly. Things like old office papers, newspapers, paper bags, paper plates, cups, and so forth can be diverted from going into the landfill. Instead, they can used to make useful egg trays. The egg trays can also be recycled after they are used. This creates a sustainable business(máquina para hacer bandejas de huevos) without depleting any natural resources from the environment.

BTF-6-8 Máquina de Hacer Bandejas de Huevos

BTF-6-8 Máquina de Hacer Bandejas de Huevos

They will listen carefully to you as you describe your business needs and expectations of what needs to be done. Their representative can go over the types of egg tray machines( they have and recommend the machine that is most appropriate for your needs.

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